Adult Group Leadership

Be a part of someone's story.

Experience what God can do when you say yes to leading a group.

You don’t have to be perfect to lead a group. And you don’t need to be a Bible scholar to be used by God to lead others. Group leaders create a place where people can be real and grow. They get front-row seats to the faith journeys of others and find that their faith grows along the way.


Curious about group leadership? It’s easier than ever to lead because we’re providing everything you need. Take a step and see how God can use you to create a place for people to connect and grow.


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How we'll help you lead...


We’ll provide you with an expert coach to personally guide you as you lead.

Training and Developing Resources

Check out our group leader resource website.

Curriculum Resources

We'll provide curriculum resources, including RightNow Media access. We'll also work with you to build a plan for your group.

Group Leadership Cohorts

Our 5-week leadership cohorts are intentional small group environments that provide future leaders with training to launch and lead their own group. Fill out our interest form and you'll be the first to know when the next cohort launches.