Winter Storm Resources

We hope you are staying safe and warm! Below, find a list of resources and ways you can help volunteer to help others during and in the aftermath of the snowstorms.

Austin Disaster Relief Network
Find information about finding shelter, a hot meal, warming centers, or ways to donate or volunteer to help others

Boil Water FAQs
Is your area under a boil water notice? Here's what that means for you. Cold Weather Emergency Resources

Warming Centers

Road Closures

Austin Power Outages Explained

H-E-B Openings and Hours

Check in on your neighbors, family, and friends. Knock on people’s doors, consider leaving a note, or even posting in your neighborhood Facebook page or Next Door app. You may have something that your neighbors really need like extra blankets, water bottles, groceries, fire wood, etc. Make sure they have your phone number!

How can we help? Contact us and let us know!